Re: C= IC's (2)

From: William Levak (
Date: 2000-12-03 08:03:58

Here is some more information on those chips.  Your list mixes Commodore
part numbers and chip numbers.  I have supplied the Commodore part numbers
where I have them.

           251641-02       7700-010 PLA for +4/C16
           251828-03       (I have information on the -01(40 pin) and -02
                           (42 pin) versions.  How does the -03 differ?)
           251829-01       1541C/1570/1571 small 20 pin gate array
           252179-01       A1000 ROM even
           252180-01       A1000 ROM odd
           252535-01       C64-II array with 1K x 4 RAM
           318072-02       (318072-01 is A500 IC GARY, this is probably a
                           newer version)
           325340-03       6500/1 CPU for 1520
           325341-01       (325341-08 is the upgrade for the 1526)
           325572-01       1541 20 pin gate array {short board)
           380212-07       (380212-01 is PLA for PC10)
252371-01  5710            FDC and gate array 1571D
901436-01  6520            PIA (Peripheral Interface Adapter)
901437-01  6522            VIA (Versatile Interface Adapter)
           6525            TPI (Tri-Port Interface)
906108-01  6526            CIA (Complex Interface Adapter)
901458-01  6532            RIOT
901438-01  6550            1K*1 SRAM, original PET(these are very rare!)
901895-01  6551            ACIA (Asynchronous Communication Interface
901896-01  6561            VIC-I

906112-01  6581            SID
           68766           Motorolla 8K*8 EPROM (definitely pin compatible
                           with 2364.  I use them for that purpose.)
251536-01  8360            TED C16/Plus4
318012-01  8500            CPU C64E
318013-01  8580
           8701            C64 clock generator
315012-01  8721-R3
           901229-01       1541 ROM E000-FFFF, original version
           901885-01       8050 6530-47 RIOT DOS 2.7 Micropolis
                           (This doesn't look right.  I have 901885-04
                            for the 6530-47)
           HM4716A         Hitachi 16K*1 DRAM (This is correct)
           NE592           Motorola RF Amp.
           WD1691          Western Digital FSL (Floppy Support Logic)

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