sprite clipping

From: MagerValp (MagerValp_at_Goth.Org)
Date: 1998-03-18 13:29:16

I'm working on the graphics engine for a tile-based game where the
characters and other movable objects are represented by sprites (now
that's original :). Since the game area doesn't cover the whole screen
I'm faced with the problem of clipping the sprites so that they slide
in and out gracefully. Clipping the top and bottom is easy, and the
left edge is to the far left on the screen so the border clips them,
but the right edge is the problem. I could place an opaque sprite that
would cover them, but since I need all the sprites for the characters
I'm trying to figure out a way to do this without sacrificing a
sprite. Ideas, anyone?

    ___     .              +   .       .              .   Per Olofsson
 ._|___|_,       .     .  .         .       . +  .         .      o   
    o-o     +   .  +  MagerValp@Goth.Org .   .     +     +     +   .  
     -     .      .     .   o         +              .     .     .    
     "       +            +    .     http://www.cling.gu.se/~cl3polof/

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