hi res pic of 2001-8 power supply smoothing cap wiring

From: Bill Degnan <billdegnan_at_gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2019 15:13:58 -0500
Message-ID: <CABGJBucMOH8iPviF1a-0qqNgnOZ3G7LA2AfhrhdwSq9-qtCRvg_at_mail.gmail.com>
I am hoping someone in this group has the URL or would not mind taking a
hi-res pic of their 2001-8 power supply smoothing cap.  I'd like to see
which wires are connected to the + and which to the - posts of the cap.  I
understand what the voltages should be but I am trying to understand why
whomever had the machine before me did what they did to change it..  4 of
the 5 wires are connected to the negative post.


Bill Degnan
Received on 2020-05-29 23:30:13

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