RE: Virtual6510 - Can a PC act as a CPU Accelerator?
Date: 2001-11-15 08:25:12

Hi Todd,

Thanks for your feedback /comments.

>However, a 'fast' 6510 via the V6510 is just a 6510 in its stark essence. I
>would favor using a 65816 core engine. There should be C language models of
>the 65816 available and modern computers sport speeds enough to provide an
>accellerated 65816 flavor.

In theory its pretty easy to have several CPU cores... 6510 and 65816 all
startable with a magic POKE, then SYS64738.

The problem though is emulation speed. I have a *good* 65816 core coded in
C, but its just not fast enough.... It needs really to be coded in
386assembler to give a burst of true performance. I've found a few from the
SuperNES scene, but cannot get many of them to work or their memory
management /interfacing is pretty poor. On the otherhand, the 6510 core I
have is a beauty (and beats all C versions I've tried by a factor of x10)!

So, what I'm saying is, if there was a good enough 65816 core, I'd be open
to using it. Unfortunately, the one I have tried would result in a
Virtual65816 at about 3-4MHz not really enough to get me excited :)

- Nick


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