Re: VHDL description of the REC

From: Rainer Buchty (
Date: 2001-09-21 16:46:44

> And what about Altera-HDL (from Max+Plus) and Verilog ?  :)

Ok, I'll top that: How about DSL from MINC? :)

> BTW - Xilinx released something interesting - Java HDL compiler, also
> written in Java. Pentium VII required :)


All I want is a simple, shell-based solution running under a decent OS
which doesn't come from Redmond... And people on comp.sys.fpga seem to
seek for the same. However, it seems to take a long time until the
manufacturers will realize that.



Rainer Buchty, LRR, Technical University of Munich
Phone: +49 89 289-28401, Fax +49 89 289-28232, Room S3240

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