Re: HELP w/ C-64 Accelerator

From: Craig S. Levay (
Date: 2001-03-10 05:50:17

Could it be one of those legendary Schnedler accelerators which I think
from an old advertisement runs at about 4 megahertz?

Craig LeVay

On Fri, 9 Mar 2001, Professor Dredd wrote:

> I recently picked up an odd card for the C-64 which
> appears to be an accelerator. I need help identifying
> the card and getting documentation. This is NOT a
> SuperCPU!
> The board is blue colored and bears a single
> identifying mark "4 Mhz". It contains the following
> components:
> 65816 processor W65C816P-5
> EPROM GI 27C256-15
> a DIP-block with 8 toggle switches
> a single red LED
> 1 250K Ohm variable resistor
> 1 1K Ohm variable resistor
> 1 3 pin connector
> 1 2 pin connector
> 1 pushbutton momentary-contact switch connected to
> The 'solder' side of the board contains a one
> component, a VARTA SafeTronic 2.4v 100mA black-box. I
> think this is either a real-time clock or possibly a
> battery unit for saving configuration settings.
> With the card plugged in, the computer powers up with
> blue border and blue screen and the message
> The card contains its own KERNAL which defeats the
> Commodore-RUN/STOP shortcut for LOAD":*",8 on my
> SX-64.
> I'm afraid to mess with the variable resistors since
> tuning a resistor to zero Ohms may damage other
> componenets if they depend on it for a load. I have
> been experimenting with the dip switches and here's
> what I've found:
> Switch #1 - Enable/Disable, seems to totally kill the
> card when set to zero although the LED remains lit.
> Switch #2 - No apparent effect.
> Switch #3 - No effect.
> Switch #4 - When enabled the computer resets to a
> flashing border, but no BASIC prompt or screen display
> of any kind.
> Switch #6 - No effect.
> Switches #7 and #8 - Enabling either of these switches
> prevents BASIC from starting on reset. No menu or
> other screen display.
> And Switch #5 (OH YEAH!) - With #5 enabled the
> computer powers up with blue border, black background
> and yellow cursor. The sign-on message at the top of
> the screen is green and reads:
> In this mode there is a "@" DOS wedge present.
> LOADing a basic program yeilds the response:
> "LOADING TO AREA: 0801-0869"
> Some programs work with the card, others not, but I
> don't notice any acceleration.
> Can anyone help me identify this card and learn more
> about it, please?
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