Re: Analog RCA Out to Digital (SID)

From: J. Walter Hawkes <>
Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2022 15:00:19 -0500
Message-ID: <>
On Fri, Jan 21, 2022 at 6:55 PM Bill Degnan <> wrote:

> Terry, thanks but what I need is a kind of OCR for music, the way an OCR
> reads the paper and converts to text.  I need something that hears tones
> and outputs the notes into some sort of electronic format, such as printed
> music score or some XML file output.
> Bill

I don't know of anything that quite works like this.  You can convert audio
to midi, but that won't include tone quality information...only notes,
tempo, and things like that.

I did some very quick searching around the interwebs and this is one way I
think would work:

Record the music into a DAW as a .WAV or .AIFF file.

Most DAW software will allow you to convert audio to MIDI.  Reaper (which
is free) does this.
Being that the MUSE is monophonic, it should be pretty accurate.  I didn't
watch the video...I'm running around today.. but if you want more help on
this I can help out.

Once it's converted to midi, import it into a tracker that accepts MIDI
files, that would be the easiest solution.  As far as tone quality is
concerned, output from the MUSE a simple pulse/square wave, and that can be
set in the tracker I believe.  (Perhaps tweak filter settings if sound is
too robust and needs to be thinned out) and it should be pretty close.
Save as SID file.

I haven't done the above myself, but it should work.

This obviously isn't a solution for ANY kind of music, but it should work
with what you're trying to do.



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Received on 2022-01-22 22:00:08

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