Re: Pointer at the start of a BASIC line: what good is it?

Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2021 20:39:46 +0200
Message-ID: <>
Hallo Dave,

> If you are writing your own BASIC you can do what you want of course. As
> long as your compatibility is at the text level and not at the tokenised
> BASIC level.

But that is what I want to archieve: compatible to the tokenised 
BASIC level.

But now I know how I came to my mistake with the pointer bytes. When 
a Commodore computer wants to load a program, it first gets the two 
bytes of the load address. Then it saves the rest of those bytes 
starting from that address (or another one). At the moment I load 
programs sector wise into the memory starting from address $0000 and 
that means, including the first two bytes. 
It simply means I have to rethink things over. One idea: just load 
the first sector, read the first two bytes and start loading the 
file to this (address -1). 

So back to my editor and start programming again.... :)

Kind regards / Met vriendelijke groet, Ruud Baltissen
Received on 2021-10-29 22:00:04

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