Re: identifying an unknown eprom content

Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2020 22:43:18 +0200
Message-ID: <>
no obviously pc-central-26-4.bin is not the server code

the server was a cbm8032 motherboard with a network board and a display 
in a bar of 16 leds

pc-central-26.4.bin recover the area $E800-$E8FF

and the code to my hard disk driver is not present in the code either

(my driver was for a scsi board located in $9000 2k eprom + a via)

On 27/08/2020 18:21, smf wrote:
> On 27/08/2020 12:14, wrote:
> >I'm thinking to a c64 cartridge in ultimax mode (booting in $E000)
> Ultimax is just a 65xx boot rom, so any other boot rom (including the
> c64 kernal) looks kinda the same.
> The bytes at $e000 & $e001 are used as data, but also the irq/brk vector
> points to $e000 so any irq or brk will go into an infinite loop.
> Reset or nmi will start execution at $e002.
> >I have 2 eproms labeled:   pc-central-26-4.bin (8k)  and
> boot-poste-3.bin  (4)
> >the boot-post-3.bin contains the good content...  [the copyright is
> present]
> Are the two roms related? It might help to have them both
Received on 2020-08-27 23:00:04

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