identifying an unknown eprom content

Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2020 12:48:58 +0200
Message-ID: <>
I'm trying to identify an eprom with an unknown content
I was thinking it was the eprom booting the server (a commodore mother 
board without screen nor keyboard in an industrial box)
(on the commodore we had a network composed of a server and up to 16 
I have 2 eproms labeled:   pc-central-26-4.bin (8k)  and 
boot-poste-3.bin  (4)
the boot-post-3.bin contains the good content...  [the copyright is 
what I know on the pc-central-26-4.bin:
- it's a 8k eprom, starts at $E000, the code starts at $E002 before 
there are 2 bytes  $00 $BF
- it's 6502 code  (seems written by an amateur)
- there is some code between $E800 and $E8FF so it's not a 8032
- they are writing something around $8000  and also around $0400

I was thinking that perhaps it was something for a vic20 or a c64 but 
I've not really used this 2 machines
any idea of what I can do to identify the machine ?

I'm thinking to try to check the use of I/O area but I need a better 
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