Re: PLAs, anyone?

From: Francesco Messineo <>
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2020 09:08:58 +0200
Message-ID: <>
FWIW my Data I/O 2900 programs the KR556RT2 fine as a Philips 82S100.

On Tue, Jul 14, 2020 at 5:02 AM dave_m <> wrote:
> I just received a few clones of the 82S100 from Russia on ebay. They are
> marked KR556RT2 and appear to be in a fresh DIP package. I ordered them at
> the end of April and they arrived in early July. $29 plus $10 shipping for
> nine units.
> I used WINCupl with target device "f100" to develop a JEDEC file and used
> WINSim to add some test vectors.
> I attempted to program the chip using a DataI/O Model 29B  with a LogicPak
> and the proper programming adapter 303A-001 for the Signetics 82S100. I used
> this setup before with real 82S100 or Philips PLS100 chips with no issues.
> The JEDEC loaded into the DataI/O with the proper sum check, but when I
> tried to fuse the part, I received an immediate Error 21 which is 'Illegal
> Bit'. The description of the error states that it is not possible to program
> the device due to already programmed locations of incorrect polarity. A
> second chip had the same result.
> I assume these chips have been previously programmed or are fakes.
> --
> Sent from:
Received on 2020-07-14 10:00:02

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