Re: "Commodore" brand

From: Bill Degnan <>
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2020 10:59:34 -0500
Message-ID: <>
> <snip>
> Cloanto _CLAIMS_ to own the copyrights. So far they could not prove
> anything.
> They are also inconsistent in what they do - just check what stuff they
> registered at the US copyright office (includes amiga things, 1541 roms,
> but
> NOT c64 roms. strange?) they'll happily sell you a license for whatever
> rom,
> of course :)
> > This Italian CBM has the brand rights, which IMHO means the logo.
> Therefore
> > they can use the chicken head.
> those italian guys are scammers (chinese phones with cbm logo). they
> registered the brand already once some years ago, and then it was deleted
> because polabe went over them. apparently they did they same again now,
> polabe
> is already on it. not how they dont actually use the chickenhead logo, its
> something similar with CBM under it - just different enough to the
> original to
> fool the autodetection at the trademark office.
> <snip>

When I made the Commodore poster in 2006 ( dealt with the then current
owners of the Commodore logo.    I ended up just removing the logo entirely
from the bottom left of the poster.  At the top however I created a header
reminiscent of the Commodore logo by writing the words "Commodore" in 1541
disk drive format colored bars to get around the copyright issues
entirely.  Anyone who sees it knows exactly what it signifies (vs.
Commodore cars).  In fact I ended up getting the owners of the Commodore
brand to send me a letter that said I had the right to produce the poster
in exchange for 20 posters to sell at CBIT 2007.  Not a very high bar, and
shows what being a nice guy can get you.

Bill Degnan
Received on 2020-05-30 01:00:15

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