Re: Kicad

From: Istvan Hegedus <>
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2020 15:03:43 +0100
Message-ID: <>
I still use Eagle 6.2 and for my purpose so far it was good enough. I
haven't felt the need to upgrade it to newer versions.
Though I have planned always to try KiCAD... maybe it is the right time now.


On Thu, Jan 23, 2020 at 9:52 AM Baltissen, GJPAA (Ruud) <> wrote:

> Hallo allemaal,
> About two years (?) ago I opened a discussion about using Eagle or Kicad.
> I was thinking about switching to Kicad but I was not really motivated for
> three reason:
> - There were means to convert Eagle to Kicad but not really user friendly
> and not reliable (I tried it myself).
> - The tutorial was bad IMHO.
> - The program itself was not really convincing.
> During that discussion I was able to lay may hands on Eagle 7.70 and that
> ended the discussion from my side.
> But two days ago I was looking for a part, an ATX board to be precise, on
> internet and found out that 7.70 already was old and obsolete. Paying 300
> Euro / year as hobbyist is out of the question. I found the Kicad files of
> a board I have,
> , so I started to have another look at Kicad again:
> - The tutorial had been improved and was very good now.
> - The program itself was improved as well.
> - Most important: the conversion of Eagle files, SCH and BRD, went w/o a
> problem. I used the 8088 board for the CBM-II as a test case.
> So I have decided to use Kicad from now on. Just to inform you.
> With kind regards / met vriendelijke groet, Ruud Baltissen
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