Re: demo for 64

Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2019 22:46:20 +0100
Message-Id: <>
> On 2019-11-05, at 20:57, Bas Wassink <> wrote:
>> Don't count on scene demos using HW extensions, there's a few demos using REU, but that's probably about it.
>> One or two using IDE64. Maybe five using two SIDs ;-) I understand that and no, I don't want to get famous on the demoscene because of this :-) It's basically about showing off the HW product, which is a kind of "copper". A chip, which once properly set up can take almost all the VIC handling load off the 6510. This should allow for some not previously conceivable things and effects, higher SID update rate, etc. And no, I don't expect to get rich selling it either. Especially once I pay for the demo(s) ;-)
> Perhaps I misunderstood the question =) I thought you were looking for demos that push the C64 to its limits.

Actually yes. It's along a line like: "You made this awesome demo, which pushed C64 to its currently known limits, now what would you do if I gave you 70% more CPU time per raster and even paid extra money for doing it?"

> Another way to get into contact with some current demo sceners would be #c-64 _at_ ircnet.

Received on 2020-05-29 23:25:42

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