Re: Commodore PLC TIB DD-001 / Drive 2001

From: Spiro Trikaliotis <>
Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2018 22:03:54 +0100
Message-ID: <>
Hello Ruud,

* On Wed, Nov 28, 2018 at 06:02:52PM +0100 wrote:
> For those who are interested, my disassembling so far. Please, have 
> a look:

I just had a cursory look, especially at the places marked with '???'.

My comments:

A_9058:					;				[9058]
	jsr	RdDataRamDxxx		;				[01A0]


	cmp	#0			; end of the name in RAM found?
	beq	A_9079			; yes, ->			[9079]

	cmp	#$E5			; ???
	beq	A_9079			;				[9079]

$E5 is used in FAT to mark a deleted directory entry. Without having had
a look at the context, can it be the same here?

;**  Read one byte of data from the RAM under the $D0xx or $D2xx area
; in:	Y = location within D000/D2000 area
RdDataRamDxxx:				;				[01A0]
	lda	#$30			; 64 KB of RAM visible
	stx	TempStore		; save X			[FA]

	ldx	P6510			; save original value		[01]
	sta	P6510			;				[01]

	lda	(DirPointer),Y		; ???				[FB]

	stx	P6510			; restore original value	[01]

	ldx	TempStore		; restore X			[FA]

What is unclear about the ??? here? It reads exactly the one byte it
wants to read from the memory area under the ROM/under the I/O.


Spiro R. Trikaliotis
Received on 2018-11-28 23:00:03

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