Re: Where top publish my creations?

From: Segher Boessenkool <>
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2018 07:21:17 -0500
Message-ID: <>
On Thu, Mar 15, 2018 at 11:15:09AM +0000, smf wrote:
> On 15/03/2018 10:44, wrote:
> >The last time I looked github doesn't allow you to follow renames when 
> >looking at history on their web interface, it's also limited in terms of 
> >number of files it will show you in a directory. We've just sucked it up 
> >for the moment and haven't looked at switching, the others might suffer 
> >the same problem.
> >>I believe that this is an inherent limitation of the git repository 
> >>format.
> >True.
> I believe it's up to the git client to follow renames, which in this 
> case is the github web server. It was raised as an issue with github and 
> they said they would support it, but never did. Whether it's because 
> they are scared of the extra processing required I don't know. I believe 
> there is a chrome plugin which hacks round it but I don't use the web 
> interface much because of the issues so I never tried it.
> >I believe that using horrible GUI clients takes too much of people's days. 
> >Just learn the basic flow and you'll have noticeably more time for doing 
> >productive work :-)
> I know people who share your opinion, they are always accidentally 
> commiting code that they didn't mean to because it's too hard for them 
> to see what they are actually pushing.

I don't know how GUIs do this, but on the command line, *the* git command
you need to learn first, you should use it *all the time*, at least until
you get comfortable with things, is

	git status

which tells you always exactly what is up (and gives hints what commands
to run, too).

Committing and pushing are separate things.  Don't push after every
commit, only when you are ready to publish the changes you made.

Never ever use push --force.  You *will* end up force-pushing more than
you intended some day.  Only force-push one branch at a time; for that,
it is much simpler and safer to do  git push myrepo +mybranch  .

Oh, and when you really messed up:

1) git status  will really tell you what to do most of the time.
2) It is unlikely you lost anything yet.  git reflog
3) git status
4) git status

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