Re: CBM-II/B series questions

From: Larry Anderson (
Date: 2000-07-08 03:50:25

William Levak wrote:
> Nobody has offered any additions to my list of Commodore Basic
> differences, unless I missed them while my e-mail was down.  Also, nobody
> has filled in the missing CBM-II/B series information.

BANK x           (set bank x for bload/bsave operations)
BLOAD"filename",Dd,Uu,ON Bb,Pp Device, Unit,      (Bank, Postion)
BSAVE"filename" ON Bb,Pp1 TO Pp2      (wow a location specific save in BASIC!)
DCLEAR Dx        (intilalize drive x)
DELETE x-y       Delete line range
IF arg THEN func ELSE func
INSTR(a$,b$)     returns position of b$ within a$, 0 if no match.
KEY              list defined keys
KEY n,"command"  defines key n (add CHR$(13) to have it self-enter.)
PUDEF " ,.$"     Print using charaters definition w/default values in ""
RESUME           continue after error or exiting (isn't isolated
variables great!)
RESUME n         resume execution at line n
RESUME NEXT      resume at start of current active FOR/NEXT loop
TRAP xxxx        Trap on Errors to line xxxx
PRINT USING "-$##,###.##";x  Print using format with variable x

> Can some of you that have CBM-II/B series computers answer the following
> questions:
> 1. What is the load address for Basic programs?  This is usually one byte
>    past the start of Basic.

Bank 1 - $0003?  my Inner Space Anthology says $0002-F000 is progrm RAM
... array storage is all of bank 2 ... $8000-$ffff in bank 3 is BASIC
variables ...  bank 4 0002-ffbf is strings storage... 

man what space!

> 2. Are Basic programs relocated on loading or are they loaded only at their
>    saved address?

I believe it is similar to the VIC-20 and Commodore 64 ....  If you have
the ROM images BASIC LOAD is at $BC06...  Start of BASIC $2d, 2e (bank 15)

> 3. Are characters 96-127 the same as 32-63 as in the PET or the same as
>    192-223 as in later Commodore computers?

Memory Maps mention a PETASCII<->ASCII conversion routines....  I think
like the 64, but not being a B-128 owner, it could be true ASCII for
better compatibility...  (My P-500 is still down, but it has a VIC-II so
it would differ from true B-128s.)

> 4. How much memory is available for Basic in the 128K and 256K version?
>    If the bytes free is not given on power-up, then do the following:
>       NEW:CLR:PRINT FRE(0)

I think it remains the same, only the variable space changes...

> 5. Does anyone have a list of control codes supported by CBM-II/B series?

Some I see listed in the map:
ring bell
tab set and clear
scroll up /down
create new progammed key
4.0 like windowing (top left, bottom right of window, full screen)
Underline mode (not sure if it is screen font or cursor display)
reverse screen

01000011 01001111 01001101 01001101 01001111 01000100 01001111 01010010 01000101
   Larry Anderson - Sysop of Silicon Realms BBS  (209) 754-1363 
300-14.4k bps
     Classic Commodore pages at:
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