RE: C16/Plus4

From: Baltissen, GJPAA (Ruud) <>
Date: Tue, 1 Nov 2011 15:04:51 +0100
Message-ID: <>
Hallo Didier,

> It's not the case of the stupid PCs
> What's the use of a PC ? install a compiler to write a emulation
> for a commodore :)

Don't blame the PC. Au contraire, be glad it can emulate the Commodore.
I can now test my software on any machine of my choice without the
burden to get it and needed drives out its shelter, set them up etc.
Once I think the program has been finished, the ultimate test is running
it on the real machine. And have you ever tried to assemble the complete
ROM of a 1541 on your C64? The ASM file already is 223 KB (in my case),
more then 1541 disk can hold!

But I think I can pinpoint the problem. I'm a technician and years ago I
used to drive VW Beetle. I could repair almost everything myself. Same
with my Jawa and 1964 BMW motorcycle. Now I own a 1985 Moto Guzzi
V50-Nato with electronic ignition. When that ignition brooke down, the
only the thing I could do at the end was order a new set. Same with my
car, all I can do with it is drive it and, if the technical gods are in
a good mood, occasionally I may add a drup of oil and some water for my

I have the same feeling with my PCs. But although I don't like it that I
cannot control them completely, I can live with it. And although I have
nostalgic feelings about my Beetle, I wonder if my family would have
survived the 3000 KM long trip we made last summer through East Europe
in it.... 

The only people that can be almost completely in control of their
computer nowadays are the programmers of Linux and us, the CBM-Hackers!

    / __|__ 
   / /  |_/     Groetjes, Ruud 
   \ \__|_\ 
    \___|       URL: 


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