Re: DAsm

From: MagerValp (MagerValp_at_Goth.Org)
Date: 1998-04-20 14:13:36

>>>>> "Andre" == Andre Fachat <> writes:

MV> If anyone (Olaf?) on this list has a Olaf-enhanced amiga binary of
MV> DAsm 2.12, I'd be grateful if you could drop me a line. An MS-DOS
MV> binary is also of interest.

Andre> Hm, I have no DASM, but as it occurs, I have just put my new
Andre> xa-2.1.4f xa65 crossassembler on the webpage.

Doesn't help me I'm afraid, since I do 99% of my work on my old A1200,
but I guess it's about time I set up our solaris machines to crosscom-
pile for the amiga...

    ___          .     .  .         .       . +  .         .      o   
  _|___|_   +   .  +     .     +         .   .     +    + Per Olofsson
    o-o    .      .     .   o         +             MagerValp@Goth.Org
     -       +            +    .

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