RE: C64 power supply replacement

From: Baltissen, GJPAA (Ruud) (
Date: 2004-01-16 10:38:03

Hallo allemaal,

> The working is quite simple.

Arghhh, I just found out I'm human as well. Text should be:

Assume we are at the TOP of the sinus. From now on the voltage level at
point A will fall about 13V. Point B wants to follow and C90 starts to "suck
current" through diode CR6. Diode CR5 prevents that the current is sucked
from the wrong line. When the voltage at A starts to rise again, the current
is pushed out of the capacitor. But CR6 is one way only and the only way
left is through diode CR5. Pushing OUT current means building up Voltage.
But all the time C90 sucked current, the V-level remained 8.3V. So the
building up is on top of this level. As the rise is about 13V, the level
could reach a maximum of about 21V. But the there is the one-way valve CR5
that let the surplus flow to the 12V regulator that "uses" the current. C88
is there to buffer the surplus and to make sure there is also a supply
during the negative edge of the )V AC.

I hope this is better.

   / __|__
  / /  |_/     Groetjes, Ruud
  \ \__|_\
   \___|       URL:


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