Re: Test suite for 6509 processor

From: Rhialto <>
Date: Tue, 16 May 2023 22:27:31 +0200
Message-ID: <>
On Wed 28 Feb 2018 at 10:52:31 +0100, Micha? Pleban wrote:
> Here's the result of the test:
> * Esc+R/Esc+N - screen reverse: works
> * Esc+E/Esc+F - non-flashing cursor: works
> * Esc+U/Esc+S - underscore cursor: doesn't work

I just fixed this... r43794 or later.

> * Esc+Z/Esc+Y - alternate charset: doesn't work

Is that charset actually present in the normal character generator ROM?
VICE (and zimmers too) may have a truncated version, it logs this:

Loading system file `/usr/local/share/vice/CBM-II/chargen-901237-01.bin'.
Error - ROM /usr/local/share/vice/CBM-II/chargen-901237-01.bin: short file.
That's the same length as available from Zimmers.

(After I found this thread I realised that my question about indirect
access to $0000/1 was answered in it...)

> Michau.
___ "Buying carbon credits is a bit like a serial killer paying someone else to
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