Re: "Partner 128" by Timeworks Inc.

Date: Wed, 05 Oct 2022 19:22:33 +0200
Message-ID: <2850233.xlXzFCzgdA_at_rakete>
Am Mittwoch, 5. Oktober 2022, 19:15:06 CEST schrieb Gerrit Heitsch:

> Yes, but if you have a cartridge, you can always add some logic plus
> driver to brute force NMI high for a cycle or two. That shouldn't damage
> the CIA pulling it low but lets you trigger another NMI for which you
> can then supply your own vector by brute forcing the data bus.

Interestingly, most freezers do NOT do this :) Actionreplay 4.2 (and later) 
do, and i think Super Snapshot V5 did - but most others do not.


Weil die Klügeren ständig nachgeben regieren die Dummen diese Welt.
Received on 2022-10-05 20:01:22

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