Re: Discussion: The need of a 65xx HAL

Date: Sun, 04 Sep 2022 07:47:22 +0200
Message-ID: <>
> The fact that the 65xx CPUs are limited in things like:
> - How many registers they have and their purposes
> - How much memory they can address
> - How many different opcodes can be implemented and what can they do

IMO it is if you are complaining that a T-Ford is a..... T-Ford.

> ,,,, it would translate to VHDL code ....

There are already many free excellent VHDL codes at hand. What's the 
problem in expanding one with your wishes? But...

> via a compiler

I didn't know what you meant but the later posters talked about Java. 
You want to use Java, C or whatever to create a simulator and then 
compile the reult into VHDL? It has been a long time ago I worked with 
VHDL but IMHO it is a neat language. IMHO it almost looks like Pascal. 
And if you want to use simulators, there are many VHDL simulators 
available, just Google.

Just my two cents...


Kind regards / Met vriendelijke groet, Ruud Baltissen
Received on 2022-09-04 08:00:04

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