Re: Emulator discrepancies (was DMA'ing in Commodore 64 for developing purposes.)

From: smf <>
Date: Sun, 19 Jun 2022 21:27:09 +0100
Message-ID: <>
Your device needs to be able to get on and off the bus based on the
signals on the port, you can't just use gpio to read it and then pass
the data back to the pc and have it then send a command to change it.

That part has to be done locally on your device, probably a gal.

Do you think you know enough, to be able to implement this? Or is it
just a random question?

On 19/06/2022 00:21, wrote:
> I'm sure it is, because the transfers between that board and a PC are
> done by USB. And the software controlling it is python based.
> So maybe as previously said, a way could be have a man in the middle, injecting DMA transfer those 24+4 lines, while receiving command from a PC.
> Would any of those RaspBerry, its clones or similars, or ATMega based MCUs, do the trick?
>> Regards,
>> Michau
Received on 2022-06-19 23:00:03

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