Re: Strange 8255 behavior

From: Mia Magnusson <>
Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2018 20:15:27 +0200
Message-ID: <>
Den Mon, 18 Jun 2018 19:01:27 +0200 skrev Michał Pleban
> Hello!
> wrote:
> > But if an output and input are connected to each other, is that
> > still the case? I can imagine that a cell used for an emulated
> > output can be used for the emulated input as well.
> This is generally true, if the pin is unidirectional; for
> bidirectional pins, you still need both macrocells. However, in the
> situation on the 8088 card (when the whole data port has always the
> same direction) you can save on the cells for DDR.

Then I think we are back at the possibility to roll your own port using
74xx logic.

But is this true regarding PB or only PA of the 6526 and 6523? PB seems
to be used for various handshake signals and a few of them have
external pull-up resistors indicating that in some states both might be
set as inputs.

P.S. As I understand the schematics of the 8088 board, PB7 isn't used
on the 6523, and PC0-4 and PC6-7 is also unused. This gives me the
impression that a 6522 could be used, with the apropriate software

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