RE: Commodore "Most Wanted" List

From: Baltissen, GJPAA (Ruud) <>
Date: Wed, 2 May 2012 07:50:05 +0200
Message-ID: <>
Hallo allemaal,
IMHO a lot can reproduced, although not 100% exact.

- Details of the floppy controller in the DX-64 prototype

We know how a 4040 works and we know the differences with its little
brother, the 2031. IMHO it should be doable to use these findings to
turn a 1541 into a 1542.
About the hardware, I have given it a rough thought. One could build a
prototype using two 1541 boards (preferably 1541-IIs because it can be
equiped with a 27256). On the first board three ranges of 1 KB are free
for expansion: 2 KB for an extra 2 KB of RAM and 1 KB to address the
6522 of the second board that addresses the FDC and FDD on its turn. 

- Batteries Included Buscard II schematics

Doesn't Mike Naberezny have one?

- ROM from a 1591 disk drive - the high density 1581 - heard prototype
was thrown away :(

To be honest, I haven't an idea what hardware is needed to run a 1.44 MB
drive at all. FYI, I have never seen the insides (or schematics) of an
CMD FD2000. For example, is DMA a must?  If it can be run using the 1581
hardware, IMHO two things have to be done:
- the 1581 stores a complete track in memory. If we want to do that here
as well, at least 8 KB have to be added.
- change the sofware. OK, I know this is obvious but it can be done in
two ways:
 - with the RAM expansion: just double the number of sectors/track 
 - without the expansion: read/write every track like it is done on a
FYI, in some spare times I'm still busy with 1581IDE project so I dare
to say that I know where I am talking about.

- Pictures/info of the internal hard drive of the C256 prototype

Of the what ????

    / __|__
   / /  |_/     Groetjes, Ruud
   \ \__|_\
    \___|       URL:

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