Re: Advise needed for SASI controller board replacement

From: B. Degnan (
Date: 2006-10-19 14:57:28

I wonder if there is a way to hack/wire the top board to perform a pulse 
"slap back"  using an oscilloscope to locate the pulse and use that as a 
trigger, kind of like a keyboard strobe?  Excuse my limited grasp of your 
project, I may be way off :-)
Bill D

At 09:40 AM 10/19/2006 +0200, you wrote:
>Hallo allemaal,
>I am busy with disassembling the controller part of the CBM 90x0. There is 
>a piece of software, actually one line, of which I0m not sure if I 
>understand it completely. But first some information:
>The 90x0 contains two boards and a MFM hard disk. The controller board 
>drives the hard disk. The main board contains two 6502's, one for the IEEE 
>communication and others things (as we are used to with the other IEEE 
>drives) and the other 6502 for controlling on its turn the controller 
>board. This is done using the SASI bus, the predesessor of SCSI.
>The 6522 involved is used controling the SASI bus.
>.eq PortB       = $80                   ; some control lines
>.eq PortA       = $81                   ; data
>.eq DDRB        = $82
>.eq DDRA        = $83
>.eq PCR = $8C                   ; CA1 = REQ  (request, in)
>                                         ; CA2 = ACK  (acknowledge, out)
>All used signal are active (H).
>For transferring data from or to the controller board, the next four lines 
>are the start of the used routines:
>                 lda     PCR
>                 ora     #$0A            ; <====================
>                 and     #$FB
>                 sta     PCR             ; reset ACK
>If I understand correctly, "ora #$0a" puts the 6522 in pulse mode. CA2 is 
>(H) allt he time. But the moment Port A is written to or read from, a (L) 
>pulse is sent towards the controller board. Is this correct?
>If this is the case indeed, I cannot use my 'off-the-shelf' solution, my 
>self-built IEEE interface, as it lacks the means to detect that pulse. But 
>replacing this board + HD with a PC wasn't meant as a permanent solution 
>anyway, just as a starter to figure out how things exactly work.
>I looked at Andre's site and found out that the only difference between 
>SASI and SCSI is that SCSI has an extra ATN line. So my first question for 
>the SCSI experts amongst you: could it be so simple by replacing the board 
>+ HD by a SCSI hard disk ??? But be aware, the condition is that there is 
>no hardware change needed on the 6502 board. Later I want the drive to be 
>able to handle bigger hard disks but I want to realize that by altering 
>the ROMs and only as less as possible (I don't mind to be stuck to 16 MB).
>Another idea: replacing things with a micro controller + IDE-HD (or Flash 
>card). Problems: what uC to use, how to program it? I myself am thinking 
>of using an old 1541-II board as base. The advantage: I know 6502 ML and 
>the onboard 6522 can handle the pulse problem for sure.
>Any input is welcome!
>      ___
>     / __|__
>    / /  |_/     Groetjes, Ruud
>    \ \__|_\
>     \___|       URL:
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