RE: Question about writing to 1541

From: Baltissen, GJPAA (Ruud) (
Date: 2005-04-22 13:16:34

Hallo Spiro,

> .8:fd1e   50 FE      BVC $FD1E    ; (1) make sure the last 
> byte is written
> .8:fd20   B8         CLV
> .8:fd21   50 FE      BVC $FD21    ; (2) write another (!) byte to disk
> .8:fd23   B8         CLV
> .8:fd24   20 00 FE   JSR $FE00    ; set read mode and data 
> port as input
> .8:fe00   AD 0C 1C   LDA $1C0C
> .8:fe03   09 E0      ORA #$E0
> .8:fe05   8D 0C 1C   STA $1C0C
> .8:fe08   A9 00      LDA #$00
> .8:fe0a   8D 03 1C   STA $1C03
> .8:fe0d   60         RTS
> (1) is the wait for the byte to go into the serializer (U3L), while (2)
> waits for the byte to be written to disk, 

Nope. The byte placed on $1C01 is written to disk (when in write mode of
course, which is the case here). The only thing that happens is that the
Overflow flag is set after the last bit has been written to the disk. So if
the processor doesn't react, the byte will be written again and again and
again until the CPU either changes the byte or changes the mode. 

> Unfortunately, I do not understand this. Can anyone explain me
> why I need two "BVC *" in the formatting case, but only one in
> the writing case?

Because, IMHO, you are comparing apples with pears. The equivalent of the
routine at $F5BF for the formatting part can be found at $FCF7. The routine
at $FD1E that you mention, is only used once at the end of a track.
Certainly NOT for for formatting a sector/block.

Regarding your error: I'm certain that a disked formatted with one BVC less
is no problem for a real 1541. As you already mentioned yourself, only a
picky byte nibbler will see the difference.

> The data block contains:
> -   1 byte $07 (data block marker)
> - 256 byte DATA
> -   1 byte CKS
> Thus, we have 258 byte, which sums up to 258 / 4 * 5 = 322,5 GCR byte.

You forget to mention the two $00 bytes following the 1 byte checksum CKS.
If you take these in account, you get your 325 GCR bytes. I couldn't find a
1541 routine that checks these two bytes on the end so IMHO you could write
there anything, as you say, but no guarantee the moment a nibbler is

The confusing part is that I now think that you think there is a link
between these last two bytes and the routine at $FD1E. (I hadn't that
impression when answering the original email) The answer above applies to
these two bytes as well.

FYI: next week I'm out of town, so now you know in advance why I won't
answer future emails coming after 16:00.

    / __|__
   / /  |_/     Groetjes, Ruud
   \ \__|_\
    \___|       URL:


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