(fwd) Re: Basic 4.0 commands (PET?) (fwd)

From: Andre Fachat (a.fachat_at_physik.tu-chemnitz.de)
Date: 1998-09-04 14:41:37

Hi Larry, 

probably you can make something of this for your BASIC description.


----- Forwarded message from Andre Fachat -----

>From fachat Fri Sep  4 13:15:28 1998
Date: Fri, 4 Sep 1998 13:15:31 +0200
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From: Andre Fachat <fachat@physikus.physik.tu-chemnitz.de>
To: fachat
Subject: (fwd) Re: Basic 4.0 commands (PET?)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.cbm

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From: Andre Fachat <fachat@vandyke.physik.tu-chemnitz.de>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.cbm
Subject: Re: Basic 4.0 commands (PET?)
Date: 4 Sep 1998 08:31:12 GMT
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WShrake <wshrake@aol.com> wrote:
> Hi all. As part of our ongoing archival efforts of the Vic20's software, we
> just got ahold of an improved version of Basic. Anyone out there have a list of
> what the commands did, in Basic 4.0? Here's the list of commands I've gleaned
> from taking a hex editor to the ROM image...

Where did you get the list of? Surely not of a PET computer.
As you can see below, there are less new commands than in your list.


DIRECTORY and CATALOG are identical. 

translate to disk commands "B"(?), "C", "R", "S", "N" and "V" respectively
(The first is for dual drives to copy one disk to the other drive.
Don't remember if CONCAT translate like that as well.)
The syntax is:

COMMAND [filename][,][D0][,][U8]
or (rename, copy, backup, concat?)
COMMAND "filename" [,D0] TO "newfile" [,D0][,U8]

Replace D0 and U8 with drive (dual drives have D0 and D1) and U8 with 
the IEC unit (U8, U9, ...).
diR and caT also uses the first syntax.

DOPEN, DLOAD and DSAVE also use the first syntax. I guess.

Also there are new variables "DS" and "DS$" that represent
the disk status of the last disk command.
DS$="22, READ ERROR, 17, 00"

Dual drives might have 
DS$="22, READ ERROR, 17, 00, 1"
with the last parameter the drive where the error occured.

And probably I should write that stuff up into a document :-)


PET memory dump:

[-,M:C] (C:$b180) m
>C:b180  4f d3 53 49  ce 54 41 ce  41 54 ce 50  45 45 cb 4c   O.SI.TA.AT.PEE.L
>C:b190  45 ce 53 54  52 a4 56 41  cc 41 53 c3  43 48 52 a4   E.STR.VA.AS.CHR.
>C:b1a0  4c 45 46 54  a4 52 49 47  48 54 a4 4d  49 44 a4 47   LEFT.RIGHT.MID.G
>C:b1b0  cf 43 4f 4e  43 41 d4 44  4f 50 45 ce  44 43 4c 4f   .CONCA.DOPE.DCLO
>C:b1c0  53 c5 52 45  43 4f 52 c4  48 45 41 44  45 d2 43 4f   S.RECOR.HEADE.CO
>C:b1d0  4c 4c 45 43  d4 42 41 43  4b 55 d0 43  4f 50 d9 41   LLEC.BACKU.COP.A
>C:b1e0  50 50 45 4e  c4 44 53 41  56 c5 44 4c  4f 41 c4 43   PPEN.DSAV.DLOA.C
>C:b1f0  41 54 41 4c  4f c7 52 45  4e 41 4d c5  53 43 52 41   ATALO.RENAM.SCRA
[-,M:C] (C:$b200)  
>C:b200  54 43 c8 44  49 52 45 43  54 4f 52 d9  00 4e 45 58   TC.DIRECTOR..NEX
>C:b210  54 20 57 49  54 48 4f 55  54 20 46 4f  d2 53 59 4e   T WITHOUT FO.SYN
>C:b220  54 41 d8 52  45 54 55 52  4e 20 57 49  54 48 4f 55   TA.RETURN WITHOU
>C:b230  54 20 47 4f  53 55 c2 4f  55 54 20 4f  46 20 44 41   T GOSU.OUT OF DA
>C:b240  54 c1 49 4c  4c 45 47 41  4c 20 51 55  41 4e 54 49   T.ILLEGAL QUANTI
>C:b250  54 d9 4f 56  45 52 46 4c  4f d7 4f 55  54 20 4f 46   T.OVERFLO.OUT OF
>C:b260  20 4d 45 4d  4f 52 d9 55  4e 44 45 46  27 44 20 53    MEMOR.UNDEF'D S
>C:b270  54 41 54 45  4d 45 4e d4  42 41 44 20  53 55 42 53   TATEMEN.BAD SUBS

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Andre Fachat, Institute of physics, Technische Universität Chemnitz, FRG
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