From: Spiro Trikaliotis (
Date: 2004-09-09 19:24:12


* On Thu, Sep 09, 2004 at 10:53:46AM +0200 Baltissen, GJPAA (Ruud) wrote:
> Having had some good help from Spiro I thought it was time to shift my
> brain into a higher gear. And I got this: M-R and M-W both have an
> option to tell how many bytes I want to read/write. The question is if
> the last byte is sent with an active EOI but that is something that
> can be tested quite easy.

From my understanding: Yes, it should be sent with an EOI.

> But the docs state that one can only read from 1 up to 255 bytes. I
> need to read 256. I could try if 0 is translated as 256 otherwise I
> have to do it in two batches.

I think: No, a zero should not (!) be interpreted as a 256.

The memory (M-xxx) commands start at $CAF8, after the "M" (which is
stored at $0200) has already been recognized

' The command can be found at $0200-$0229

.8:caf8   AD 01 02   LDA $0201   ' Check if the 2nd char is a '-'
.8:cafb   C9 2D      CMP #$2D
.8:cafd   D0 4C      BNE $CB4B   ' No, output 31,SYNTAX ERROR

.8:caff   AD 03 02   LDA $0203   ' Now, store low address at $6F
.8:cb02   85 6F      STA $6F
.8:cb04   AD 04 02   LDA $0204   ' ... and high address at $70
.8:cb07   85 70      STA $70

.8:cb09   A0 00      LDY #$00
.8:cb0b   AD 02 02   LDA $0202   ' Which command do we have?
.8:cb0e   C9 52      CMP #$52    ' 'R'?
.8:cb10   F0 0E      BEQ $CB20   ' Yes, execute M-R

.8:cb12   20 58 F2   JSR $F258   ' This is just a RTS

.8:cb15   C9 57      CMP #$57    ' 'W'?
.8:cb17   F0 37      BEQ $CB50   ' Yes, execute M-W

.8:cb19   C9 45      CMP #$45    ' 'E'?
.8:cb1b   D0 2E      BNE $CB4B   ' No, output 31,SYNTAX ERROR
.8:cb1d   6C 6F 00   JMP ($006F) ' Execute at the given address

M-R starts at $CB20:

.8:cb20   B1 6F      LDA ($6F),Y ' Get 1st byte ...
.8:cb22   85 85      STA $85     ' ... and store it at $85

.8:cb24   AD 74 02   LDA $0274   ' Get length of command string
.8:cb27   C9 06      CMP #$06    ' less than 6?
.8:cb29   90 1A      BCC $CB45   ' yes, jump: Output just 1 byte

.8:cb2b   AE 05 02   LDX $0205   ' Get number of bytes to read
.8:cb2e   CA         DEX         ' subtract 1
.8:cb2f   F0 14      BEQ $CB45   ' if it was 1, jump: Output just that 1 byte
.8:cb31   8A         TXA 

' Now, add the (number of bytes - 1) to the start of the output
' area

.8:cb32   18         CLC   
.8:cb33   65 6F      ADC $6F     ' Now, A contains the pointer to the
                                 ' last byte to be read
.8:cb35   E6 6F      INC $6F     ' start at one byte higher than given 
                                 ' remember: We already stored the 1st
                                 ' byte in $85!
.8:cb37   8D 49 02   STA $0249   ' remember the last byte to be read

.8:cb3a   A5 6F      LDA $6F     ' now, store the start at $A5/$A6
.8:cb3c   85 A5      STA $A5     ' $A5/$A6 is the address of the error buffer!
.8:cb3e   A5 70      LDA $70
.8:cb40   85 A6      STA $A6

.8:cb42   4C 43 D4   JMP $D443   ' Output the buffer 

' From here, we output just the one byte given (in $85)

.8:cb45   20 EB D0   JSR $D0EB
.8:cb48   4C 3A D4   JMP $D43A

.8:cb4b   A9 31      LDA #$31   ' Output 31,SYNTAX ERROR
.8:cb4d   4C C8 C1   JMP $C1C8

Interestingly, you see that you cannot cross a page boundary with M-R!
Thus, M-R starting at $02FF with length 2 will give the bytes at address
$02FF and $0200, respectively!

> More worrying is the fact that I only can write up to 34 byte. Is the
> computer to blame or the drive?

Surely, it is the drive. $0200-$0229 is the input buffer. Thus, the
complete M-W command has to fit inside of the buffer:

$0200-$0229          42 byte buffer
M-Wxyz is 6 bytes   - 6 byte
                    36 bytes

Now, I'm not sure how the difference of 2 bytes is determined. It could
be related to a trailing CR and Null-Byte, but I'm not sure.

BTW: The M-W command is rather simple:

.8:cb50   B9 06 02   LDA $0206,Y    ' get byte
.8:cb53   91 6F      STA ($6F),Y    ' store at destination
.8:cb55   C8         INY
.8:cb56   CC 05 02   CPY $0205      ' have we reached the count?
.8:cb59   90 F5      BCC $CB50      ' no, continue
.8:cb5b   60         RTS

Thinking about what I already commented here on the drive's code, I ask
myself if it isn't time for a 1541 ROM Disassembly project? ;-)


Spiro R. Trikaliotis

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