Re: Vic Rabbit

From: Greg King (
Date: 2002-09-29 07:13:22

-----Original Message-----
From: Ethan Dicks
Date: Monday, September 23, 2002, 09:42 PM
> From Marko Mäkelä:
> > I just archived a copy of VIC Rabbit.  But, I cannot figure out
> > the commands easily.  Could they be the same as in PET rabbit?
> > Could anyone help me?
> Here's the PET Rabbit documentation (with several typoes corrected: ;-)
>                         PET RABBIT
> Copyright 1979 by J. Hall and C. Moser -- All Rights Reserved.
> ------------
> PET Rabbit currently works with the 8K, 16K, and 32K new-ROM PETs which
> have the external Commodore cassette decks.  Some units which have the
> built-in deck will not work with Rabbit's high-speed cassette recording
> rate.  To be specific, cassette decks with the lift-top lid will not
> work with Rabbit's high recording rate, but other Rabbit features will
> work.  The new-style tape decks are identified by the fact that you
> open the lid via the STOP push-button.  New-ROM PETs with the new-
> style tape deck will work with all of Rabbit's many powerful features.
> Versions are being prepared for the old PET ROMs and other
> microcomputers which use the 6502 microprocessor.
> ...
> ...
> ...

Here is some more information which was gleaned from the manual
for the 4k C64 Rabbit cartridge:

    RABBIT for the Commodore 64 on Cartridge
    Copyright 1983 by Eastern House Software

All addresses are hexadecimal numbers (without any prefix, such as $).
*A "name", device

Load and append the program-file (in RABBIT format) to the end of the BASIC
program currently in memory.  When a program is loaded or passed-over,
a status-message will be output.  Examples:

*A                  <- Append next program from tape.
*A "PRINT USING"    <- Append program PRINT USING at end
                       of program already in memory.

The *Append command does not renumber line-numbers -- so, watch out for appends
which result in a duplication of line-numbers!
*V                  <- Verify next program

The Rabbit's *Verify command operates differently from the C64's VERIFY command.
The VERIFY command compares the data on the tape with that in memory;
while the *V command reads the tape, and just tests if the program can be read
without errors.  Even with no program in the C64, the *V command still can
verify that a program later can be read, by checking that no recording-errors
*T test,start,end

The memory-test takes a lot of time, as it performs an exhaustive diagnostic.
You can interrupt the test at any time, by pressing the STOP-key.

This is a quick and convenient way to go to a C64 monitor.  NOTE:  If you do not
have a Machine-Language Monitor loaded, do not issue this command!

The cartridge has a table with 13 jumps, at its beginning.  Most of them are for
the "new" data-file features (INPUT# and PRINT# in RABBIT format).  But, some of
them control intercepts which catch LOADs, SAVEs, VERIFYs, and the RESTORE-key.

(Does the VIC cart. have a jump-table -- how long?)

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