Hacking 1764 RAM expansion to 512KB

From: Daniele Gratteri (daniele_gratteri_at_inwind.it)
Date: 2002-03-25 19:52:27

  • Next message: Marko Mäkelä: "Re: Hacking 1764 RAM expansion to 512KB"
    can you tell me where can I found a detailed document which explains how to
    install additional 256KB of RAM into the 1764 REU? Also, do you know if it
    is possible to go beyond the 512KB limit (for example, hacking a REU up to
    1024KB) and if the software for the 512KB REU is different from the one for
    the 1764?
      ____                                                             __
     / ___|____   Daniele Gratteri, Italian Commodore and Amiga user  ///
    | |   |___/   E-MAIL: daniele_gratteri@inwind.it             __  ///
    | |___|___\   URL: http://utenti.tripod.it/danielegratteri   \\\///
     \____|       IRC: FIAT1100D - ICQ: 53943994                  \///
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