Re: Tested the expansion menory...

From: MagerValp (
Date: 2001-10-16 20:49:07

>>>>> "DG" == Daniele Gratteri <> writes:

DG> I have checked it a lot of times and it seems to be OK. If i type
DG> PRINT A, the VIC 20 says 40960...



on both the C64 and the VIC-20. Looks like it can't handle numbers
over 32767. Here's a new version of the memory test program (lines
with a * have been added or modified)

  10 input "test which block";b
  20 s = b*8192 : t = s+8191 : e = 0 : o = 0
* 25 if s>= 32768 then s = s-32768 : t = s+8191 : o = 32768
  30 print "testing databus"
* 40 for a = s to t : poke a+o, 85 : if peek(a+o) <> 85 then gosub 1000
* 50 poke a+o, 170 : if peek(a+o) <> 170 then gosub 1000
  60 next : de = e
  70 e=0 : print "testing high address bus"
* 80 for a = s to t : poke a+o, int(a/256) : next
* 90 for a = s to t : if peek(a+o) <> int(a/256) then gosub 1000
  100 next : he = e
  110 e=0 : print "testing low address bus"
* 120 for a = s to t : poke a+o, a and 255 : next
* 130 for a = s to t : if peek(a+o) <> (a and 255) then gosub 1000
  140 next : print                     ^- also added parenthesis
  150 print de;"errors found in databus test"
  160 print he;"errors found in high address bus test"
  170 print e;"errors found in low address bus test"
  999 end
  1000 e = e+1 : print "error at";a : return

    ___          .     .  .         .       . +  .         .      o   
  _|___|_   +   .  +     .     +         .   .  Per Olofsson, konstnär
    o-o    .      .     .   o         +
     -       +            +    .

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