Stashing data at $ff00-$ff04 in 128 mode?

From: eyethian (
Date: 2001-07-25 16:57:12

Hello, CBM-Hackers;

I sent this quite some time ago, and now I'm reposting here.

Hello, CBM-Hackers;

I was wondering if there is any way a program can stash ordinary data onto
addresses $ff00-$ff04 in 128 mode of the c128 line of computers? I want to
put data there and have the VIC-II reference it in displaying a bitmap, for
example. But, the MMU registers are always there? Is there a way of blocking
out the MMU registers for at least 'n' cycles? I remember that a program
could turn off the REU registers and still use the REU for DMA transfers.
Can I enter Z80 mode and then stash data there at $ff00-$ff04, or does the
Z80 use the MMU as well?

Many thanks,
-Todd Elliott

P.S.: I sent this to the cbm-hackers list and it bounced? Is the list down
or did I miss something? Thanks.

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