Re: Reading Commodore 900 disks in the 8250 (LP)

Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2024 14:19:18 +0100
Message-ID: <2195622.C4sosBPzcN_at_rakete>
Am Mittwoch, 10. Januar 2024, 11:31:08 CET schrieb Michal Pleban:
> Hello!
> As I am currently working on emulating the Commodore 900, an obvious
> nice to have feature is to be able to read the Commodore 900
> (installation) diskettes. The 8250 is an obvious candidate, but the
> problem is the C900 disks use 512-byte sectors. Can the 8250 be hacked
> somehow to read such sectors? I find very little information on the
> internal workings of the 8250 online; even on the 1541, which has been
> hacked out to the last bit, I have never seen non-512 byte sectors being
> used. So, is it feasible in any way?

You'll have to write custom drive code (obviously), but i don't see how it's 
not possible. (Some protections used "long sectors")


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<Mechthild Ross-Luttmann, CDU>
Received on 2024-01-10 15:00:14

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