Re: Reproducing the 6522 shift register bug

From: Bill Degnan <>
Date: Sun, 24 Dec 2023 11:42:15 -0500
Message-ID: <>
Byte Dec 1980 page 24 I think touches upon this.
"Multimachine Games"
It has been a while but I'd check a scan I made to see if they address this
issue, with the PET which has the same chip, right?

I think there is code you can reference. I did not check to verify


On Sat, Dec 23, 2023, 6:13 PM Dave McMurtrie
<> wrote:

> Hi cbm-hackers,
> I'm trying to reproduce the 6522 VIA shift register bug for demonstration
> purposes. I'm doing so with two Commodore VIC-20 computers connected at the
> user port via CB1, CB2 and PB0. CB1 and CB2 are used for data and clock,
> and PB0 is used as a busy indicator by the receiver to tell the sender when
> it's ready to receive another byte.
> I wrote simple sender and receiver code. The sender just sends the ASCII
> bytes A through Z. The receiver receives those bytes and outputs them to
> the screen. The sender is using mode 110 (shift out at system clock rate).
> The receiver is using mode 011 (shift in under control of external input
> pulses) which is supposed to be the buggy mode.
> The good news is that the data that is output by the receiver isn't always
> correct. So either I am successfully demonstrating the 6522 shift register
> bug or I'm just misunderstanding how to use the 6522 properly and my code
> is wrong.
> The sender is:
> START          LDY #$41 ; Char to send. start with ascii 'A'
>                LDX #$7F
>                STX IER2 ; disable IRQ
>                LDX #$00
>                STX PCR1
>                STX ACR1
>                STX DDRB1 ; PB0 is an input
> LOOP           LDX #%00011000 ; SR mode 110 (bits 2-4) shift out under
> control
>                               ; of system clock
>                STX ACR1
> BUSY           LDA PB
>                AND #%00000001 ; if PB0 is high, the receiver is busy
>                BNE BUSY
>                STY SR1  ; store the char to send in the shift register
>                INY
>                CPY #$5B ; if we're beyond ascii Z, reset back to A
>                BNE WAIT
>                LDY #$41
>                BRK ; break instead of looping to only send A-Z once
> WAIT           SEI
>                LDA IFR1 ; load the Interrupt Flag Register
>                AND #$04 ; check to see if the SR bit is set
>                BEQ WAIT ; if not, wait.
>                LDX #$00
>                STX IFR1 ; clear the interrupt flag
>                CLI
>                JMP LOOP
> The receiving code is:
> START          LDX #$7F
>                STX IER2 ; disable IRQ
>                LDX #$00
>                STX PCR1
>                LDX #%00000001 ; set PB0 as an output
>                STX DDRB1
> LOOP           LDX #%00001110 ; SR mode 011 (shift in under control of
>                               ;              external clock pulses)
>                               ;              (bits 2-4)
>                               ; latching on PB is enabled via bit 1
>                STX ACR1
> WAIT           SEI
>                LDX #$00
>                STX PB ; pull PB0 low to indicate ready
>                LDA IFR1 ; load interrupt flag register
>                AND #%00010000 ; check if CB1 interrupt bit is set
>                BEQ WAIT ; if not, WAIT
>                LDX #$01
>                STX PB  ; release PB0 high to indicate busy
>                LDA SR1
>                CLI
>                JSR $FFD2
>                LDX #$00
>                STA IFR1
>                JMP LOOP
> The only documentation I found on how this should work was the MOS6522
> data sheet and that was a bit like trying to read the blueprints for a
> minotaur's home. Let me know if I'm doing something completely wrong here.
> Thanks!
> Dave
Received on 2023-12-24 18:00:03

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