Re: Via Via

From: Bo Zimmerman <>
Date: Wed, 3 May 2023 16:38:17 -0700
Message-ID: <>
> My original program is indeed assembly, but much more complex.  I 
> thought a nice short BASIC program might reveal my problem more 
> clearly.  Here's the identical program in assembly -- with the exact 
> same results.  I have a multimeter sitting on the CA1 line, so I can 
> see it go high->low, and also see the lack of activity.
> *=$1000lda#<NMIH sta$94lda#>NMIH 
> sta$95lda#0sta$e84dlda#$82sta$e84eNOSP jsr$ffe1bneNOSP rtsNMIH 
> inc$8000rti

Sorry, I'm typo-ing all over my emails today.  The $ea4e should be 
$e84e.  I had it right in the code I'm running though, so again-- I 
don't understand why my screen character does not change.

Thanks again,

- Bo
Received on 2023-05-04 02:00:48

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