Re: Modern, but fully compatible 6502? [and testing suite]

Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2022 08:23:58 +0000
Message-Id: <>
> Am Sonntag, 4. September 2022, 21:30:31 CEST schrieb
>> Oh, and I trust there must be a comprehensive compatibility testing "suite"
>> for that somewhere? I vaguely recall something running on a 1541... was it
>> from VICE team?
> On 2022-09-04, at 19:43, wrote:
> That was probably the lorenz suite (which ninja ported to the 1541), its all
> in the vice testbench, see
> Lorenz-2.15/
> and

Might have been based on this indeed. But wasn't there somewhere a bunch of .d64s to run? I tried googling it now but to no results. It's been already long ago but I remember something like three floppy sides I ran or so.
Received on 2022-09-05 11:02:44

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