Lemon 64 forum

From: Terry Raymond <traymond160_at_gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2022 17:31:58 -0600
Message-ID: <CAJ+D7=P5ykd0iob0upo9LskvOGax-_yB0ZRX5o-3qn7EOEboCw_at_mail.gmail.com>
Hi  I had tried to contact Kim Lemon who runs the lemon64 forum
it seems now his email isnt valid:  kim_at_lemon64.com

If youre inactive there apparently do they cancel youre account?

It seems their system still recognizes my email address but the VIP which
c64rules!!   give me a lot of trouble so do I do this in all caps?
Do I put a space after C64 or no spaces (they really dont tell you).
And they put two exclamation points after this, do I include the
exclamation points?

This was totally a waste of time because I cannot even contact Kim either.
the heck with it.  :-(

Terry Raymond
Received on 2022-07-27 02:00:10

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