Re: Open Source Considerations (was: Re: Any 6502 devs for hire?)

Date: Fri, 06 May 2022 12:48:56 +0200
Message-ID: <12356767.hb0ThOEGa2_at_rakete>
Am Freitag, 6. Mai 2022, 07:58:00 CEST schrieb Jim Brain:
> I submit that if folks are willing to grab a kit of a clone and then
> clone that kit and sell it, I don't think intellectual property
> considerations will make a difference.  If toms01 releases the PLD files
> and the PCB design for the RAMLink, I'd wager there will be handful of
> clones on the market within 3 months. That's the sad part about people
> in the community.  I know I'm just stating the obvious, but this is what
> makes it more difficult to just put all the code and files online.
> And, I wonder if it prevents people on this list and others who have the
> same incredible capability to reverse engineer and design from even
> getting started, because they'd want to release and they know some jerk
> will just take the files and make a quick buck.  If true, that's even
> more sad.

If your project is worth anything and there is demand for it - then someone
will clone it and make a quick buck or two. Like it or not - thats what will

Its exactly the reason for why we (have to) keep most things closed, Hard- and
Software - eventhough some of (the software at least) might greatly benefit
from being open, it's not worth the risk.

That said, i have no mercy for those who publish their stuff and after that
complain someone takes it and does whatever with it - they should have known
it before. And i say that although some of the stuff i published for free was
even used by some shady chinese companies who certainly made more than a quick
buck or two with it. I knew it before. Even VICE is frequently raped and ppl
give a shit about the GPL or even the spirit behind it (and everyone buying
THE64 is supporting that kind of folks). The best you can do is ignore those
leeches and move on.


Q: what is the main problem on the web? A: avoiding commercial idiots. Q: when
can you be sure that you are not dealing with commercial idiots? A: When you
actually find a site that delivers something, instead of only asking for
money/karma/patience/bad taste.
Received on 2022-05-06 13:00:02

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