Re: Identifying devices on IEC and IEEE bus

Date: Fri, 05 Nov 2021 17:51:28 +0100
Message-ID: <6703818.jJDZkT8p0M_at_rakete>
Am Freitag, 5. November 2021, 17:46:55 CET schrieb Spiro Trikaliotis:
> Hello,
> as I wrote in my other mail, I am currently working on a way to identify
> the floppy drives that are connected to an IEC or IEEE bus.
> To be honest, the problem is even a little bigger:
> 1. How do I identify drives that are not floppy drives from Commodore?
>    That is, something like an sd2iec, mmc2iec, Pi1541, ...
>    Is there any chance that I would be able to identify them?

for those, use the UI powerup message


Es geht nicht darum, dass wir zu einem Überwachungsstaat werden, sondern 
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<Mechthild Ross-Luttmann, CDU>
Received on 2021-11-05 18:05:27

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