Re: REL record length 42?

From: Rhialto <>
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2021 20:53:34 +0100
Message-ID: <>
On Mon 25 Jan 2021 at 09:30:37 -0800, Gordon 'gsteemso' Steemson wrote:
>  vaguely recall that asking for a
> directory listing gives different responses for "[drivenumber]:$" as

That one doesn't exist; it's a file called "$". You probably mean

> opposed to just "$"; maybe that is related?

"$" gives you the directory of both drives (default drive first).

You can also give various patterns, such as $0:d*, or $0:*=prg.

Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert -- rhialto at falu dot nl
___  Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on
\X/  no account be allowed to do the job.       --Douglas Adams, "THGTTG"

Received on 2021-01-25 22:00:03

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