Re: Color RAM... Can be mapped "out"?

Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2020 00:36:15 +0200
Message-ID: <2053034.Hq7AAxBmiT_at_rakete>
Am Freitag, 28. August 2020, 00:27:59 CEST schrieb tokafondo:
> I'm thinking that even the SID and even some other chips could be used to
> get some extra bytes from its internal registers if needed, then. I mean:
> an application that wouldn't be using sound, then the registers that are
> normally used to produce sound, can be used to store data. And maybe the
> ones that do parallel and/or serial communications in the CIAs...

sure, you can do that with SOME registers (not the SID, the SID registers are 
write only). The first $10 VIC registers for example (sprite positions) could 
be used for this (some copy protection things do this)


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Received on 2020-08-28 01:01:41

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