Re: Color RAM... Can be mapped "out"?

Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2020 00:19:19 +0200
Message-ID: <2068879.h6RI2rZIcs_at_rakete>
Am Freitag, 28. August 2020, 00:16:36 CEST schrieb tokafondo:
> Thanks. So.. it could be said than this would make the Commodore 64 a "de
> facto" 66K of RAM computer, wouldn't it?
> Because if I...
> - Disable the I/O area and write to $D800...
> - Enable the I/O area and write to the Color RAM as I need...
> - And then disable the I/O area and read what I previously wrote there...
> Would the values still be there? Could I disable I/O when raster line is out
> of the displayed area to tinker with $D800... and then reenable before
> first line is going to be displayed?

color ram is 1k/2 (4 pages, but only 4 bits) ... so effectively 64.5k :)

and of course, you can store values and bank it out and read the values later.


Much of the excitement we get out of our work is that we don't really know
what we are doing.
Received on 2020-08-28 01:01:06

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