Re: "Commodore" brand

From: Anders Carlsson <>
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2020 13:55:33 +0100
Message-ID: <> wrote:

 > and there's no C= Holding BV or Commodore Licensing BV there

As mentioned earlier in this thread, I believe the company who holds the 
rights to the Commodore brand might be named Polabe Holding BV, or is it 
NV? They seem to have one entity in the Netherlands and one in Belgium 
and without understanding Dutch I would assume B means Belgium and N 
means Netherlands. One site mentions Aruba as well, which would fit very 
well considering the original Commodore had their headquarters on Bahamas...

Just because they hold the rights to the brand doesn't mean they need to 
name the company accordingly. Then the question is about system ROMs and 
other intellectual properties that still may exist, if Cloanto are 
licensing those or outright bought the rights to that stuff, effectively 
stripping the company who owns the rights to the brand and logotype all 
other assets. Perhaps that is how it is usually works when an old 
company gets cut apart, that one party wishes to retain the brand itself 
for licensing purposes but not work with the IP.

The problem for us mortals probably is to dig up the documents required 
to say either or. Of course a good old case in the court would require 
them to provide documentation but it sounds like a costly process to 
refuse a settlement just to prove a point. It might be a fun exercise 
for a multi millionaire who used to love Commodore (Elon Musk? Though I 
think he started with the Spectravideo).

Best regards

Anders Carlsson
Received on 2020-05-30 00:58:03

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