Re: Drean C64 detailed info

Date: Mon, 3 Feb 2020 21:42:29 +0100
Message-Id: <>
> On 2020-02-03, at 21:29, wrote:
>>>>> Do we have exact specs/schematics of Drean 64 available somewhere? Quick
>>>>> check of Funet/Zimmers didn't reveal anything…
>>>> Nobody, nothing? Other than a different VIC…
>>> The secret weapons of Commodore page states they used imported original
>>> CBM
>>> parts (boards, chips) and only made cases and labels.
>>> But I guess you knew that already
>> Surely they didn't produce the boards, chips, etc. but they had to modify
>> them. Replacing the VIC is one thing, but what about any other changes. For
>> example that VIC is said to have both high cycle count per rasterline AND
>> high count of rasterlines, which suggests possibly a different clocking
>> regime? Modulators?
> i'd also expect adjustments in the clock generator circuit (other crystal?) 
> and a different RF modulator.

Those are the ones I mentioned above as they to my mind as first, but then "what" (crystal for example)? etc.

> the rest can stay as is, i think :)

Yeah - possibly. But I am surprised how little info I found when searching. Given that this is a rather famous variant, I naively expected schematics, commented hardware diffs, and whatnot :-)

My friend who is doing most of the work on BeamRacer managed to get hold of one (1!) working 6572 VIC (out of two ordered) for testing stuff with but that's about it. I can live w/o modulator schematics but the rest needs to be tested properly and we have no idea if we are doing it right.

BTW - maybe someone here got friends in Argentina who could help sourcing a few units for an extra buck?

Received on 2020-05-30 00:46:32

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