Re: Scanned copy of HSG3 is available

From: Ullrich von Bassewitz <>
Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2019 17:24:04 +0200
Message-ID: <>
On Wed, Sep 04, 2019 at 04:31:28PM +0200, Michał Pleban wrote:
> > Especially the "bank x kernal" would be
> > interesting. It can be loaded into any bank equipped with RAM, so
> > kernal calls can be made in this bank without bank switches. If
> > anybody has this kernal, I would be highly interested.
> Sadly I don't have it, but it sounds like a very interesting thing. Was
> it a full-fledged KERNAL or just a stub that called the actual KERNAL in
> bank 15?

It is mentioned on HSG3/page 15 in the library part (english translation

"Das Bank-0x-Kernal soll als Basis für größere Assemblerprogramme dienen. Es
ermöglicht, Programme in den Bänken 0-14 fast ohne Geschwindigkeitsverlust
(6,7%) bei Betriebssystemzugriffen zu betreiben."

-> "The bank 0x kernal might be used as base for larger assembler programs. It
allows to run programs in bank 0-14 with almost no speed penalty (6.7%) when
using kernal functions."

A bank 0x basic is also mentioned. I assume that the bank 0x kernal uses "lda
(sp),y" and "sta (sp),y" to access all I/O chips and is therefore independent
from the memory bank it is running in. If I remember correctly, there have
been other places in hsg where the bank 0x kernal is mentioned, but I cannot
find them currently.



Ullrich von Bassewitz                        
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