Re: In search of bad 4164, 41256 DRAM

From: Gerrit Heitsch <>
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2019 22:35:51 +0200
Message-ID: <>
On 9/13/19 10:02 PM, Jeffrey Birt wrote:
> I did a quick test with a 41256 just now and was happy I could 
> read/write all bits successfully. Then I realized I don’t have any known 
> bad 4164/41256 type DRAM chips on hand. So, if you happen to have a few 
> bad DRAM chips on hand and you’re in the USA I would gladly take them 
> off your hands.

I have one, but I'm not in the USA, so it would be too expensive... But 
you can see if you can get your hands on some MT4264-20, those tend to 
develop stuck bits.

Received on 2020-05-29 22:50:16

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