Re: Difference between R65C02 and original 6502 (wrt 6509 emulation)

From: Michał Pleban <>
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2019 16:35:18 +0200
Message-ID: <>
Jim Brain wrote:

> Unfortunately, it does not work that way. I understood that the $01/$1
> registers are present in every bank, not just bank $0. Perhaps that is a
> wrong assumption. As such, I also decode them to each bank. (I think it
> has to be that way, for how else would you move from execution in bank 1
> to bank 0 if the registers only appear in bank 0.) So, a write to any
> bank: $0/$1 will save new values in the banks (though they will not be
> used until the developer moves back into emulation mode).

Yes, the registers need to present in every bank.

Received on 2020-05-29 21:33:48

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