Re: Hardware emulation of 6509 using 6502?

From: Jim Brain <>
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2018 12:12:51 -0500
Message-ID: <>
On 7/20/2018 11:32 AM, Michał Pleban wrote:
> Jim Brain wrote:
>> When the unit boots, it boots into 6502 "mode", where $0 and $1 behave
>> as before.  Maybe I misunderstand the question.
> OK, so basically the 65816 in the 6502 functions identically to a
> standard 6502, and only when it is switched to the native 65816 mode, it
> ignores the $0 and $1 and accesses he memory natively?
> Regards,
> Michau
If desired, I can leave the $0/$1 functionality in place while in '816 
mode, but it seems very limiting and confusing to keep it in when you 
can read from any bank directly using the 24 bit addressing of the '816.


Jim Brain
Received on 2018-07-20 20:00:04

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